Chairman of the MALORITA District Executive Committee
Роман Борисович

(+375 1651) 2-00-70
(+375 1651) 2-00-60
(+375 1651) 2-00-60
Manages the activities of the district executive committee.
Distributes responsibilities between the first deputy chairman – the head of the Department of Agriculture and Food, deputy chairmen and the managing director of the district executive committee, coordinates their activities.
Makes personnel decisions.
Supervises issues:
- activities of rural executive committees (hereinafter referred to as the village executive committee);
- implementation of the state personnel policy;
- mobilization training and mobilization, territorial and civil defense.
- Council for the Coordination of the activities of administrative, law enforcement agencies, military and border units and Customs services;
- the anti-corruption commission of the district Executive Committee;
- the Commission on the assignment of classes to civil servants;
- the commission for the certification of heads of structural divisions of the district executive committee, their deputies, employees of the district executive committee, chairmen and managers of village executive committees, heads of district communal property and agricultural organizations.
Interacts with:
- Maloritskiy district Council of Deputies;
- Prosecutor's office of the Maloritskiy district of the Brest region;
- the Maloritskiy district Court;
- Maloritskiy district Department of the Investigative Committee of the Republic of Belarus for the Brest region;
- Customs and Border Services;
- Maloritskiy district Military Commissariat (except for the issues of pre-conscription youth training for service in the Armed Forces);
- banks.
Carries out the management of activities:
- Department of organizational and personnel work of the district executive committee;
- Finance department of the district executive committee;
- Department of Internal Affairs of the district Executive committee;
- the legal sector of the district executive committee;
- accounting and reporting groups of the district Executive Committee;
- the chief specialist in the protection of state secrets.