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Main // One window // General information about the "One Window service"

General information about the "One Window service"


• ensuring the implementation of the declarative principle of "one window" when contacting interested parties for the implementation of administrative procedures;

• creating conditions for interested parties to submit applications for the implementation of administrative procedures in one place;

• providing free advice on the preparation of documents necessary for the implementation of administrative procedures;

• ensuring timely and high-quality preparation of documents necessary for the implementation of administrative procedures;

• Issuance of administrative decisions;

• issuance of a unique identifier.

The ONE WINDOW SERVICE accepts applications from interested parties for the implementation of administrative procedures in accordance with: the list of administrative procedures carried out by state bodies and other organizations on citizens' applications, approved by Decree of the President of the Republic of Belarus dated April 26, 2010 No. 200 "On administrative procedures carried out by state bodies and other organizations on citizens' applications"; the unified list of administrative procedures carried out in relation to business entities, approved by Resolution No. 548 of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus dated September 24, 2021 "On Administrative Procedures carried out in relation to business entities".

The "one window" service of the Malorita District Executive Committee is located at the address:

Malorita, Krasnoarmeyskaya str.,1.

The unified reference and information number for providing advice on the implementation of administrative procedures is 142.

The service of interested persons in the "one window" service is carried out on a first-come, first-served basis, pre-registration is carried out by numbers 142, 20057.

The mode of operation of the "one window" service:

Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday 8.00 - 17.00

Wednesday 8.00 - 20.00

Saturday, Sunday is a day off

The general management of the organization of work and coordination of the activities of the "one window" service is carried out by the managing director of the Maloritskiy district Executive Committee Sergey Semenyuk,

Name and location of the higher authority

The higher state body is the Maloritskiy District Executive Committee,

Address: 1 Krasnoarmeyskaya str., Malorita, 225903

Working hours:

Monday-Friday: from 8.00 to 13.00, from 14.00 to 17.00

Saturday, Sunday: weekend

Assessment of the quality of administrative procedures

To assess the quality of the implementation of administrative procedures by the Malorita District Executive Committee, you can use the Rating Assessment Portal at the link:


Местонахождение и телефоны  службы «Одно окно»:

г.Малорита, ул. Красноармейска, 1
1 этаж
8 (01651) 2 00 57

Режим работы:

Понедельник, вторник, четверг, пятница с 8.00 до 17.00
(без перерыва на обед)
Среда с 8.00 до 20.00
(без перерыва на обед)

Должностные лица
службы «одно окно»:

Трушко Татьяна Александровна -
начальник сектора службы «одно окно»
8 (01651) 2 00 57;

Ярмошук Татьяна Васильевна -
специалист службы «одно окно»
8 (01651) 2 00 57;

Москальчук  Юлия Александровна - 

специалист службы «одно окно»

    8 (01651) 2 00 57;